Tech Tutorials
This page contains links to technical help for technologies used by 十大彩票平台 students, faculty, and staff. For help accessing your 十大彩票平台 Account please see the Getting Started with 十大彩票平台 Account page. For an overview of the Information Technology department, Help Desk, and computer labs, see the Information Technology page.
STUDENTS: Please check your 十大彩票平台.edu email account daily for important semester info.
ARIES (Advising, Registration, Interactive Education System) is the system replacing WebAdvisor and is used for registration, evaluation plans, education plans, and other advising needs.
ARIES Functions
- Search for Course and Sections
- Student Planning
- Degree Evaluation
- Grades
- Registration
- Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals
- Unofficial Transcript
- Request an Official Transcript
- Financial Aid
- Student Finance (Make a Payment)
- Tax Information (1098Ts)
十大彩票平台 offers instructor-led Online Learning Orientation at the beginning of each semester. Attending one of the orientation sessions is optional, but highly recommended for students new to taking online courses or using the Blackboard Learning System. For more information, dates, and to register for an orientation please see the Blackboard Student Orientation page. As all Fall 2020 dates have passed please see the Online Orientation Video for Fall 2020 below.
- Screencast-O-Matic
- How to create a class presentation
- How to make a screenshot
- Microsoft
Please note, Respondus cannot be used with a Chromebook.
- Printing Portal (十大彩票平台 Account login required)
- Print Release Stations
- What digital tools should I use?
- What kind of computer/device do I need?
- How should I prepare for online classes
- How do I delete my browsing history?
- How do I use NetTutor?
- Health Insurance Waiver Instructions
- How do I copy and paste?
- How do I use a Chromebook or hotspot?
- What's the best way to clean and disinfect electronics?
Online & Digital Resources website: Instruction for technologies used on campus.
Writing Center: Peer tutor assistance with writing projects. Please make an appointment.
Library: Help using Chromebooks and hotspots. Blackboard support (413-755-4345)
IT Help Desk: For help accessing your 十大彩票平台 Account and additional technology needs (ChatNow,, or 413-755-4016)
Faculty & Staff
ARIES (Advising, Registration, Interactive Education System) is the system replacing WebAdvisor and is used for registration, evaluation plans, education plans, and other advising needs.
ARIES Functions
- Search for Course and Sections
- Student Planning
- Degree Evaluation
- Grades
- Registration
- Unofficial Transcript
- Request an Official Transcript
- Financial Aid
- Student Finance (Make a Payment)
- Tax Information (1098Ts)
- How do I make a screenshot?
- Screencast-O-Matic
- How to create a class presentation
- YouTube
- Microsoft
Please note, Respondus cannot be used with a Chromebook.
- Printing Portal (十大彩票平台 Account login required)
- Print Release Stations
For faculty support teaching via remote instruction including workshops and office hours, please contact The Center for Online & Digital Learning.
Please see the Faculty Resources site for support with inclusive teaching, grading, assessment, course syllabi, Blackboard, Class Roster Management, FERPA, and more.
For support or training with Blackboard please contact Scott Lambert, Online Learning System Administrator, at or by calling (413) 755-4345.
For additional technology help please, contact the IT Help Desk at (413) 755-4016 or by clicking CHAT NOW in the bottom right of this page.